Light colors differ from muted colors in that they are diluted with white and appear more pastel than muted colors that appear to be darker than their original color.
Light spring colour analysis.
To look stunning as a light spring think spring colors.
Hi larissa initially i would lean towards either light spring or soft autumn.
Taylor swift amanda.
In the first pattern below all the circles and the background are in light spring colours.
There s a link to purchase at the bottom of this post above the comments.
Celebrities that are a light spring are.
I d love to help you with a virtual color analysis if you re interested.
Yellow or honey blond.
It depends on how badly the incorrect colour clashes with light spring and on the size of the element.
If you fit comfortably into this category your natural coloring is glorious and you have a wonderful mix of characteristics warm light and bright.
In the second a thin blue circle is changed to a true summer maroon colour and in the last the thick purple circle is changed instead.
A true seasonal color analysis spring is the most delicate but vivid of all the seasons a beautiful bright fresh color palette.
Each of the beautiful shades in the spring color palette has the same color characteristics as your own to.
The light colors complement your light overall coloring instead of overwhelming it with harsh or dark colors.
Light springs look fantastic in lighter colors that lean more warm than cool.
To give you more specific colors here are the pantone color codes you would look phenomenal in.
You are almost at the end of your personal colour analysis if the description bellow applies to you you are a light spring.